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Covenant Ranks are unlocked progressively as the player completes a run at their current highest Covenant Rank unlocked, up to 25Covenant.

Covenant mode allows for Mastering cards, a chance to increase your Best Win Streak, and setting a Best Covenant Win for each combination of clans. As the player progresses through Covenant Ranks, a progress bar on the Covenant page in the Logbook will fill. This bar also shows your friends' unlocked Covenant Ranks alongside your progress. Winning the game on 25Covenant unlocks the game credits and Expert Challenges.

Cards in your deck during a Covenant win, no matter which rank, will be 'Mastered' and gain a special golden frame.

Covenant Ranks[]

  1. Enemies are stronger. Add additional random cards to your starting deck. (DLC) PactShards are available.
    • Major Bosses gain +1Attack and +200 / 600 / 1301Health.
    • Bosses gain +80 / 200 / 350Health.
    • Heavy enemies gain +15 / 20 / 30Health.
    • Certain support enemies gain +1 / 2Attack.
  2. Add Deadweight to your starting deck.
  3. Major battles now have additional enemies.
  4. Minor bosses have increased Attack.
    • Bosses gain +1Attack.
  5. Minor battles now have additional enemies.
  6. Add a copy of the primary clan starter card to your starting deck.
  7. Some basic enemies have additional Attack.
    • Certain heavy enemies gain +1 / 2Attack.
    • Certain support enemies gain +1Attack.
  8. Add a copy of the allied clan starter card to your starting deck.
  9. Your Pyre takes 20 damage at the start of the run.
  10. Apply Emberdrain 1 to the first unit played on the top floor each turn. (DLC) Boss power increased per PactShards.
  11. Merchant re-roll costs 20% more.
  12. Major bosses have increased Health.
    • Major Bosses gain +75 / 150 / 350Health.
  13. Add a copy of the primary clan starter card to your starting deck.
  14. Minor bosses have increased Health.
    • Bosses gain +10 / 20 / 40Health.
  15. Add a copy of the allied clan starter card to your starting deck.
  16. Merchant purge costs 20% more.
  17. Add Deadweight to your starting deck.
  18. Merchant goods cost 20% more.
  19. Some basic enemies have additional Attack.
    • Certain support enemies gain +2 / 3Attack.
  20. -1Capacity on the middle floor. (DLC) The Last Divinity battle now has additional enemies.
  21. Major bosses have increased Health.
    • Major Bosses gain +75 / 150 / 350Health.
  22. Minor bosses have increased Health.
    • Bosses gain +10 / 20 / 40Health.
  23. Heavy enemy units have increased Health.
    • Certain heavy enemies gain +5 / 10 / 30Health.
  24. Your Pyre takes 20 damage at the start of the run.
  25. Seraph has +1000Health. (DLC) The Last Divinity has +1500Health.

Win streaks[]

Winning several times in a Cup (essentially a specific set of Covenant Ranks, see below) is called a win streak. The win streak is reset to 0, if the player loses a run or resets a run while playing a non-Mutator, non-Challenge run in that Cup. The best win streaks are logged inside the logbook for each Cup. The Best Win Streaks are divided into these four different Cups:

Best Win Streak Trophy
1Covenant - 9Covenant 10Covenant - 19Covenant 20Covenant - 24Covenant 25Covenant
Trophy Imp
Imp Cup
Trophy Inferno
Inferno Cup
Trophy Crucible
Crucible Cup
Trophy Herzal
Herzal Cup


The Covenant was forged by Herzal between Heaven and Hell, but broken by Seraph.


See: Version History

Version Changes
1.0.0 Covenant Ranks added.
2.0.0 The Covenant Rank 10 and 20 challenges have been changed. Covenant Rank 10 now gives Emberdrain to the first unit played to the top floor each turn, and Covenant Rank 20’s capacity reduction now always applies to the middle floor. This gives each floor a unique challenge: getting hit by enemies first, having less room for units, and impacting your ember generation.


10. Friendly units on the top floor enter with Dazed.

20. -1Capacity on a random floor.
