Monster Train Wiki

This article aims to provide a non-extensive list of most common synergies between clans, mostly as a help for new players.

Clan Hellhorned Clan Awoken

Rage is very good on Multistrike and Sweep units. Slay triggers on units with Spikes. Slay and Strike effects are very good on units with Multistrike or Sweep. Floor Overstacking works well behind banner units with a large health pool. Avoid Armor and Regen, as they do not work well together.

Clan Hellhorned Clan Stygian Guard

Rage and Armor are common in both clans and can therefor be combined easily. Rage is very good on Sweep units. Floor Overstacking is very good with Incant units. Avoid Imps, if you rely on Incant.

Clan Hellhorned Clan Umbra

Increasing floor capacity works very well in combination with playing many Imp units. Trample works well on units that scale with Ragen or have Multistrike.

Clan Hellhorned Clan Melting Remnant

Reforming and harvest strategies work very well with Imp units. Making cards cost 0 Ember is very good for expensive cards. Both clans make use of Rage. Stealth is a good alternative to stacking Armor on units. Avoid reforming units that you scale with Rage and Armor.

Clan Hellhorned Clan Wurmkin

Both clans make use of Armor. Floor Overstacking works very well with Inspire units. Hellhorned has very strong consume spells and Wurmkin has the ability to bring back consume spells. Avoid putting Rage and Armor on eggs before they have hatched.

Clan Awoken Clan Stygian Guard

Drawing cards is very strong for units with Incant, especially with having cheap spells. Incant is very good on units with Sweep or Multistrike.

Clan Awoken Clan Umbra

Lifesteal triggers Rejuvenate. Spikes work with Damage Shield. Trample works well on Multistrike and Sweep units. Avoid combining Damage Shield and Regen, as they do not work well together.

Clan Awoken Clan Melting Remnant

Harvest is easily triggered with Multistrike, Sweep and Spike units. Rooting enemies is very good in combination with Stealth.

Clan Awoken Clan Wurmkin

Drawing many cards is very good for Inspire and Hatch. Both clans have strong common scaling cards.

Clan Stygian Guard Clan Umbra

Increasing floor capacity is very good for Incant units. Morsel generation cards can be played on any floor, thus allowing for easy incants.

Clan Stygian Guard Clan Melting Remnant

Avoid many units in combination with incant units, especially starting with dregs and having many endless units can make incanting difficult.

Clan Stygian Guard Clan Wurmkin

Incant and Inspire strategies can work well together.

Clan Umbra Clan Melting Remnant

Increasing floor capacity is very good for floors with many units, such as a floor making use of reforming units over and over. Morsels trigger harvest on death but not after being eaten. Be careful, Morsels that get killed can be reformed.

Clan Umbra Clan Wurmkin

Increasing floor capacity is very good for floors with many inspire units.

Clan Melting Remnant Clan Wurmkin

Eggs die on hatching allowing for reform strategies.
